Meet the Band!

Paola Carranco
Sara Cochran
Sara Collins
Leona Losinski *
Debbie Miller
Jenna Starr
Osa Thompson
Lisa White

Scott Bett
Nancy Bostron
Olivia Caldwell
Meagan Cohen
Tayla Cohen
Ruth Dickson
Monica Dougherty
Michelle Hom
Ryan Powell *
Michael Raizen
Cheri Roberts
Nicole Rubis
Armando Solis
Karen Taylor

Oboe/English Horn
Valerie Erickson *
Margaret Garcia
Paula Pahl

Darryl Nakatani*
Dominic Ortiz

Bass Clarinet
Danielle Stratton
Nicole Armendariz #

Don Awalt *
Tristin Carper
Caleb Carr
Paul Dieterichs
Jim Hunt
Casey O’Donnell

Alto Saxophone
Julia Cazares
Amanda Ford
Anne Kleve *#
Callie Monroe
Mark Pereira

Tenor Saxophone
Kevin Lase
Erin Noah-Verser #

Baritone Saxophone
Kent Nelson #

Ned Avery
Alex Chavez
Bob Crump-Bertram
Mike Gill *
Terrell Schlegel
Ervin Trujillo
Mike White

French Horn
Sarah Adcock-Tooker #
Kristine Blatter
Sarah Bobak
Nancy Brooks
AnnaMarie Drotar
Kim Jacobs
Debbie Sprinkle
Becky Wilkins*

Brandon Antoniak #
Michael Iliff*
Alex O’Leary
Michael Snodgrass #
Del Pakiser

Jason Kleve #
Nathaniel Kleve

Walt Blankenship *#
Nicholas Horst
Lauren Humphrey
Richard Stephens
Doug Williamson

* Indicates section leader

# Indicates board member

“Music is the one area of human experience which transcends culture and language. It’s like being able to put your hand backwards through the curtain of time and touching somebody that you can’t see.. But you can feel.” -John Kenny