
by President Emeritus Harley Brown

The first conversation concerning the creation of an ongoing adult community band in Thornton that resulted in positive, definite action took place in September 2007, during a meeting of the Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council. TASHCO President Frank Newton proposed that the Council consider encouraging the development of an ongoing adult concert band. Frank reported to theTASHCO Board that retired teacher Harley Brown had been organizing and directing a seasonal alumni/staff band to play as part of the Skyview HS spring concerts for the past 5 years. Frank spoke of the enthusiasm and high quality of the 50-member band, and of the many fine adult musicians that lived in the area. Many of these local musicians had also been Frank’s students when he taught choir and drama in the Mapleton Public Schools.  TASHCO Board members were intrigued with the idea, and urged Frank to proceed with plans.

September 21, 2007: Frank called his former teaching partner Harley Brown to tell him of the proposal, and of the TASHCO Board’s positive response. Frank and Harley soon met over coffee to explore possibilities, problems and procedures. Frank and Harley talked several more times during October to outline a workable plan before bringing others into the conversation. They decided to establish an organizing committee of people they felt had significant skills, knowledge and abilities to contribute to this project. They settled on, and received positive responses from: Ned Avery, Leonard Carabelos, Michael Snodgrass, Debbie Sprinkle and Sarah Starbuck.

November 10, 2007: the first meeting of this group was held at the Carpenter Recreation Center. As President of TASHCO, Frank acted as facilitator for this first meeting. Harley was then elected chairman of the newly created “Organizing Committee” for future meetings. During their 5 meetings as an organizing committee, this group named the band, wrote a mission statement, wrote tentative by-laws, created a website, filed articles of incorporation, secured rehearsal space, posted fliers in music stores, and advertised for potential members. Harley talked with several potential conductors during the Colorado Music Teachers Conference in January, and received a positive response from Dr. David Kish, Director of Bands at Metropolitan State College of Denver.

February 2, 2008: The Organizing Committee voted to become the Thornton Community Band Board of Directors, electing the following officers:

President – Harley Brown

Executive Vice President – Leonard Carabelos

Secretary – Frank Newton (also liaison to TASHCO)

Treasurer – Debbie Sprinkle

Vice President of Facilities and Libraries – Ned Avery

Vice President of Communications – Michael Snodgrass

Once it was clear that the Thornton Community Band Board of Directors was committed to the establishment of a viable community service organization, Frank Newton was able to secure $1000.00 seed money from Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council to get the band started.  The membership grew quickly during February, due in large part to the online “join the band” link on the TCB website created by Leonard Carabelos. Under the excellent direction of Dr. David Kish, the Thornton Community Band was ready to begin rehearsals on March 13, 2008 with 75 members, 25 of whom had participated in the Mapleton Public Schools alumni bands mentioned above.